Verbal Clues

Verbal Clues

The verbal clues below give you 5 opportunities:

To recognize DISC behavior styles and Spranger guiding values.

To spark more success for yourself by speaking words with wallop to yourself.

To more effectively protect yourself from bad gossip (closed door relationships)

To more effectively protect yourself from ugly gossip (slammed door relationships)

To spark unforeseen success for yourself by speaking words with wallop to others.

All of the verbal clues are statements from real people.

Use the Needs&PassionsUs file to do what you can to open closed and slammed doors. Sincerity and open-mindedness are necessary for successful change.


Sources Of Verbal Clues

You can hear or read verbal clues everywhere:




Internet posts


television shows

radio shows


Paula Kramer adds more recognition clues as she finds them.


Natural & Adapted Behavior Styles

People have both natural and adapted behavior styles. People express their natural behavior styles when they feel comfortable and safe. People adapt their behavior styles to situations as they need to fit in. The recognition clues below reveal natural behavior styles.


Recognition Clues For DISC Behavior Styles

High D Clues

High I Clues

High S Clues

High C Clues


Recognition Clues For Spranger Guiding Values

Knowledge Clues

Usefulness Clues

Harmony Clues

Belief Clues

Helping Clues

Position Clues


© Paula M. Kramer, 2010 to the present.
All rights reserved.
Last updated June 9, 2024.