Relationship Reckoning TV Show

Relationship Reckoning
with Paula M. Kramer

Should You Stay? Should You Limit? Should You Go?
You Decide

15 minutes a week can help you understand
every relationship in your life.

Boss Ladies TV is a streaming channel on Roku.

 Relationship Reckoning provides insights to help you make judgments about your relationships, any kind of relationship. Watching each episode will give you many insights into your various relationships. Some of the insights will surprise you.

Paula features one relationship per show.

Insights include:

Behavior style similarities

Behavior style differences

Behavior style needs to nurture for each of you

Guiding value similarities

Guiding value differences

Guiding value passions to nurture for each of you

Explaining your behavior style needs and guiding value passions is one way to nurture yourself.


Disc Behavior Styles

DISC behavior styles can be identified through observable behavior. Everyone is a combination of all 4 behavior styles. Most of us have a High behavior style, a Secondary High behavior style, and two Low behavior styles. Behavior styles can be graphed. The file below has more information.

DISC Behavior Graph


Spranger Guiding Values

Everyone feels some influence from multiple values. The 6 Spranger values can rank from important to unimportant:

Guiding our decisions and actions


Split (according to people or task orientation)



Values are difficult to rank for other people, but the verbal clues will help you identify their 1st and possibly 2nd values.

The file below has more information.

Spranger Value Ranking


Episode PDFs

Season 01 Episode PDFs

Season 02 Episode PDFs


© Paula M. Kramer, 2022.
All rights reserved.
Updated December 14, 2023.