High S Steadiness DISC Behavior Style Verbal Clues

All clues are statements real people made in conversations, magazines, books, Internet posts, movies, television shows, radio shows, etc. Some statements are edited to make them more concise and/or more understandable as clues. Different versions of the same clue reveal the variety of ways different High S Steadiness people can express the same clue.

High S Steadiness people are reserved
and good at connecting with people.


“I’m loyal to a fault.”

“He/She needs me.”

“I have every card everyone ever gave me.”

“I hate to be rushed.”

“One of my favorite things to do is to spend time with my close friends.”


“I’m shy.”

“I’ll always be there for my friends when they need me.”

“I enjoy writing in my journal.”

“I’m happiest when I’m spending time with my family.”

“My wife and I have a routine. When we get up in the morning, the first thing we do is sit down and talk for 15 minutes. At night we sit down and talk for the first 15 minutes we’re both home.”


“The quality I most admire in others is their ability to know when to be quiet.”

“Pretty much everything that I do, I do for my family.”

“When I don’t have a schedule, I kind of flail.”

“I had a replica of my childhood home in Kentucky built on my ranch.”

“The best part of our vacations is that my brother’s family and my family are together.”


“I spent decades trying to be a member of my own family before I realized they would never care no matter what I did.”

“My biggest accomplishment is my family.”

“It sounds silly, but one minute of mindfulness just gives me clarity and peace.”

“A lavender-scented bath or shower gives me time to relax, clear my head, and figure out the solutions to some problems.”

“Spending time with friends and people who understand my path is very therapeutic for me.”


“I love washing my face. I use it as a transitional process.”

“I love routines.”

“My ideal day is spent with family.”

“My current indulgence is meditation.”

“I am smitten with my family.”


“People think that just because I’m easygoing and game to do things I’ll just take as little as they offer.”

“Sometimes stability and dependability can be misinterpreted as passivity. If I don’t feel like I’m part of the group responsible for making decisions, I’ll take action. Expecting as much loyalty as I give does not make me a troublemaker.”

“When something goes wrong I need assurances that we’re all fine.”

“I have Sunday dinner with five couples every weekend.”

“I feel most confident when I’m surrounded by my husband, family, and close friends.”


“The oldest piece of clothing I own is a sweater my mother knit when I was seven.”

“Not a single day goes by that I don’t wish I had read more.”

“One of the best feelings is making music in small spaces and having people sing along.”

“I love sorting things. I could sort puzzle pieces all day.”

“I’ve had the same group of friends since I was 14.”


“I wouldn’t ask out my now wife until her roommate assured me that she would say yes.”

“I may try yoga someday, but I prefer to sleep.”

“Seeing my wife and my boy together makes me most happy.”

“People have told me I’m a good gift giver.”

“My favorite place in the world is on the couch in front of the TV.”


“I’ve never missed a day of work.”

“Even if I don’t like something, I’ll do it just to make a person happy.”

“My childhood friends and I have been close for more than 20 years.”

“I’ve had the same best friend since seventh grade.”

“I think it’s really important to remember people’s birthdays.”


“I hate confrontation.”

“My family and friends, my dog and my woman make me the happiest.”

“I have a hard time trusting people because I’m always concerned about their intentions.”

“Every fall I have a girl’s’ school weekend with high school friends I grew up with.”

“I’m a total homebody, and when I have time off, I lie in bed the entire weekend.”


“I am a closet author and poet.”

“I would pick staying home and watching movies over going out any day!”

“I prefer sweatpants over club outfits.”

“My goal in life is to work hard now so I can retire early and be a stay-at-home mom.”

“I’m quiet in large groups or around people I don’t know.”


“You only see the real me if we’re close.”

“I smile and laugh a lot, especially at the most inappropriate times.”

“I am the hardest person to offend, but it’s all too easy to make me feel horrible.”

“I hate telling people about my problems, but I listen to people telling me about their problems.”

“My best quality is my personality. I have the ability to make anybody feel comfortable.”


“The quality I loathe most in other people is rudeness.”

“I have drawings from my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren on my wall going back over 30 years.”

“I prefer eating pizza and watching a movie at home to dressing up and going out.”

“My emotional reactions happen in private.”


Added June 9, 2024

I’m grateful I can cheer for my niece and nephew during their dance competitions.”

“I’m more of a listener than a talker, so I’m a little awkward when meeting new poeple.”

“I’m proud that I take care of people around me in every sense.”

“I like to suppress all of my emotions.


© Paula M. Kramer, 2016 to the present.