High D Dominance DISC Behavior Style Verbal Clues

All clues are statements real people made in conversations, magazines, books, Internet posts, movies, television shows, radio shows, etc. Some statements are edited to make them more concise and/or more understandable as clues. Different versions of the same clue reveal the variety of ways different High D Dominance people can express the same clue.

High D Dominance people are outgoing
and good at getting things done.

“I have never owned a car I did not crash.”

“I often like to push people’s buttons to see how they will react.”

“I’m not good at taking orders.”

“I’m always telling my sisters what to do.”

“A boss who doesn’t micromanage is lazy.”


“I’m very competitive.”

“I’m a control freak.”

“I’m a great gambler.”

“I like things right to the point.”

“During a bad time in my life I was completely dependent on other people. I hated that feeling of helplessness.”


“I will most likely take you up on any dare imaginable.”

“I am an avid NBA fan.”

“I prefer to look ahead instead of looking back.”

“I’d rather make a fast exit at a party than say a round of goodbyes.”

“I am a do-it-yourself type of gal.”


“I would rather be working than on vacation.”

“I’m a workaholic control freak.”

“I will run for hours in a game of soccer or basketball, but I can’t stand jogging.”

“I need an action plan.”

“My temper is the worst part of my personality.”


“I randomly break out in dance when I get anxious.”

“I have little tolerance for indecisiveness.”

“You probably can’t tell when you watch me, but I’m very competitive with myself.”

“I love to start the day working out and really sweating — running up a mountain or doing yoga or circuit training.”

“I’m not great at social gatherings.”


“I put my fist through several apartment walls before I started meditating to do something about my temper.”

“My biggest unfulfilled dream is to one day become a UFC fighter.”

“I wish I could kick my ambition. Hunger for success brings an equal amount of suffering.”

“I lift weights in gyms because seeing someone who has better legs or arms pushes me.”

“I feel most confident when lifting weights, pushing my body further than I thought possible.”


“Even at important meetings, I can’t resist swiveling in my chair.”

“I don’t like to be told what to do by my other half.”

“I’d play softball daily if I could.”

“As far as I’m concerned, the slightest physical contact should be by invitation only.”

“My employees get paid for doing what I say.”


“Being bossy is not a bad thing. It means someone is passionate and ambitious and doesn’t mind leading.”

“My worst habit I wish I could kick is angry texting.”

“I’m most proud of my career and how far I’ve come.”

“I’m a gambler and love slot machines.”

“I absolutely love roller coasters. The higher, the better.”


“Call it hustling or business, but my work ethic is second to none.”

“I play chess to relax.”

“I can climb a rock wall, rope, or pole in less than two minutes.”

“I’m in it to win it.”

“I’m very competitive with myself”


“The love of my life is my work.”

“I raced cars professionally for four years.”

“I do all of my own stunts — and I have scars all over my body from it.”

“I always worked hard because I recognized from a young age it was one of the only things I could control.”

“I used to think if I had to ask for help, it meant I was incompetent. But now I know I can accept help and still be in charge. I now decide to ask for help so I can manage this situation.”


“I butt into people’s love lives.”

“My ambition is boundless.”

“Get it done and get it out.”

“To me, being muzzled is more pressure than being in charge and running things.”

“I am a control freak. I like to have my people and products in my line of sight.”


“If you ask me, those who choose not to micromanage choose the lazy way out.”

“I get bored quickly. I don’t like small talk. I have never understood it.”

“It wasn’t about the money. It was about the risk, the adrenaline, the intensity.”


Added June 8, 2024

“Having the last word proves I’m right and strong.”

“I don’t feel physically or mentally well at a slower pace.”

“I go to poker games when I need to clear my mind.”

“I don’t want to hear the conversations. I want to know the decisions.”

“I knocked on doors and forced people to take meetings with me.”


© Paula M. Kramer, 2016 to the present.