Helping Spranger Guiding Value Verbal Clues

All clues are statements real people made in conversations, magazines, books, Internet posts, movies, television shows, radio shows, etc. Some statements are edited to make them more concise and/or more understandable as clues. Different versions of the same clue reveal the variety of ways different Helping people can express the same clue.

Helping guiding value people
are people-oriented.

“I’m always about helping people.”

“I live my life with compassion.”

“I get more out of volunteering than the people I help.”

“Compassion is my favorite quality in people.”

“When you’re on top, be sure to send the elevator down to help others coming up.”


“My impulse, whenever I see someone who needs help, is to help them.”

“I would like to lead personal development workshops.”

“As a child, I nursed every injured animal I came across, even the squirrels.”

“I wish more people valued community service.”

“I spend most of my free time helping out my favorite charity.”


“I try to bring as much joy to those in need as I can.”

“Every Christmas I donate to single moms so they can fulfill their kids’ Christmas lists.”

“My daughters and I love to create care packages to send to military organizations in need.”

“It just feels nice to help people!”

“I try to save animals as much as I can by either donating or bringing awareness.”


“I founded and worked on an outreach team for the homeless for 12 years, bringing supplies to people living on the streets. It was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life.”

“I was featured in the neighborhood newspaper as a teen for breaking the record for most hours volunteered as a candy striper.”

“I try to do at least one good thing every day by helping someone.”

“I do my little bit of good where I am. It’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”


Added June 9, 2024

“When you have a family in tears knowing that you’re giving them that push forward that they really need, being able to give them hat hope, that’s all I need to keep myself going.”

“I can sleep well at night knowing I’ve helped someone get what they need.”


© Paula M. Kramer, 2016 to the present.