Harmony Spranger Guiding Value Verbal Clues

All clues are statements real people made in conversations, magazines, books, Internet posts, movies, television shows, radio shows, etc. Some statements are edited to make them more concise and/or more understandable as clues. Different versions of the same clue reveal the variety of ways different Harmony people can express the same clue.

Harmony guiding value people
are task-oriented.

“I live for a good scrounge in someone else’s garbage.”

“My happy place for creating or writing is lying on the floor.”

“I love horror movies.”

“I love the whole process of making tea and or coffee. It soothes me for some odd reason.”

“I listen to music all day.”


“As soon as I dive in, I feel this connection with the water.”

“I believe people are inherently magical and good.”

“I’m most at peace in the mountains.”

“I like feeling melancholy.”

“I get my high from extreme sports.”


“I have a moment of bliss every time I look into my dogs’ eyes and see that unconditional love.”

“Whenever I’m feeling down, drawing and painting are my favorite ways to lift my spirits.”

“What makes me happy is capturing that unexpected perfect nature photograph.”

“Every Grateful Dead concert is a religious experience.”

“Baking makes me happy!”


“I studied different religions, went to retreats, meditated, started doing yoga and delved deeper into myself.”

“Whenever I have a problem that needs sorting out, I walk on the beach or on the path by our house.”

“Creating a delicious dish from scratch distracts me from all my worries.”

“When I give dinner parties, I’m a theme freak!”

“I’m addicted to doing Pilates.”


“I’m addicted to going on long runs on the open road with no music.”

“Gardening makes me happy.”

“A successful life means self-reflection and knowing and loving yourself.”

“With food, I have no willpower.”

“My closet is my happy place.”


“Golf is my drug of choice.”

“My musicmaking encases me in a translucent dome.”

“I never dreamt that with my own two hands I could touch the sky.”

“Getting high makes me feel like the person I want to be.”

“I get obsessively committed to certain jeans, boots, and people.”


“I write poetry.”

“Every year, I give myself an extreme challenge.”

“If something bad happens to me when I’m wearing a certain outfit, I have to give it away.”

“My garden is my happy place.”

“The hard physical labor is what I like about this job.”


“I love games – board, card and mind.”

“I go to my garden when I need a quiet place to reflect.”

“When traveling, I spend most of my time in art galleries.”

“My lucky number is 13, but I also consider 31 to be lucky because it’s 13 backwards.”

“When you’re getting laughs, there’s an incredible amount of energy created. You soar into some strange and wondrous nether zone of total freedom.”


“Happiness is a hot day at the beach watching everyone smile, laugh, and have a great time under the summer sun.”

“Going into the great outdoors centers me.”

“My grandfather built a summer cottage that is now paradise to me.”

“Music is my mistress.”

“I’m in a constant state of longing for the wilderness.”


“Writing songs and being in sweatpants makes me feel the happiest.”

“I always make a wish when it’s 1:11, 2:22, and so on.”

“I’m humbled by mountains and the reminder that we are part of something greater.”

“If I’m ever in a bad mood, I’ll put on a cooking show and go into a Zen state.”

“I’m addicted to the reality show Teahouse Masters.”


“I get obsessively committed to certain jeans, boots and people.”

“I love to watch home improvement shows.”

‘I find solace in my car.”

“I am obsessed with Marsell shoes.”

“I feel most alive when I’m in nature and moving, as in running and swimming.”


“I find inspiration in simple moments, such as sitting on my deck in silence.”

“Playing with dogs is relaxing. It gives me energy to get back to work.”

“I’m a sucker for a good sunset.”

“I love fresh air and long walks.”

“I go fishing every chance I get.”


“I really enjoy breaking down boxes for recycling. It’s so therapeutic.”

“Practicing yoga under a blue sky with birds singing in the trees is the most peaceful, serene way to start my day.”

“I have at least 75 hats. A hat makes every outfit more whimsical and put-together.”

“I live in a grateful way.”

“I change the colors on my cars once a month.”


“I’m obsessed with doing laundry.”

“I ride my bike every morning to the gym and work out. It’s an addiction.”

“My biggest guilty pleasure is lying in bed on a Saturday morning watching American Ninja Warrior.”

“My whole life is just dedicated to being one of the craziest human beings to ever exist.”

“I can’t be a real junkie anymore, so I’m an adrenaline junkie.”


“I want nothing more than to accept responsibility for this life experience. To hone my awareness, deliberately appreciate and connect with all that is right in front of me.”

“In an ever changing world it FEELS GOOD to know that I can choose to be present with my own experience.”

“Experience is a process, not a destination. It is a way of life.”

“I love to watch home improvement shows.”

“My favorite place is home, and that could be anywhere. Wherever I really feel at peace, that’s home.”


“My Zen moments are when I’m swimming, hiking, or doing yoga. Those things give me clarity.”

“No lotion that works can ever be too expensive.”

“I must live near a water source, even on overnights.”

“My ideal day off is going flea market or vintage clothes shopping.”

“I take my incense everywhere because it makes me feel like I’m home.”


“My worst personality trait is that I can be selfish.”

“Nothing makes me feel more powerful and inspired than boxing. Nothing!”

“My most prized possession is my art collection. I feel like it represents all of the people and places that have helped shape me as a woman.”

“One of my favorite indulgences is fragrances! There’s nothing like putting on a beautiful fragrance to complete your mood.”

“There is something spiritual about looking out into the ocean.”


“I am a serious horror movie fan.”

“I own 40 pairs of sneakers, and I need more.”

“I walk every day to a playlist of my favorite music. I believe music is healing.”

“I love playing poker in casinos.”

“I got off on financial infidelity. I got the same thrill-seeking, self-medicating, stress-busting high as gambling.”

“I love the sound of rain, and I love lying in the sun.”


“I find comfort in grocery shopping at Whole Foods. I circle the entire store because I believe there’s something good in every aisle.”

“Playing music gives me feelings of uninhibited, utter joy.”

“The water, trees and squirrels I see along my morning walk settle my mind and shuts out the noise.“

“I can’t live without perfume and like to spray some on when I need an extra boost of confidence.”

“I’m one of those people who honestly find washing dishes meditative.”


“When I see an acting role and it speaks to me, I’m drawn to it and I have to go in that direction.”


Added June 9, 2024

“From our business standpont, we view those trout as business partners. Personally, I consider them friends.”

“The man I marry must know that at least one day a week I need to lock myself in my room and stick feathers on a sculpture.”

“Solo travel to a remote location allows for a deep connection with myself.”

“When I see spectacular things like this, I sometimes wonder if there’s a message that I might benefit from.”

“I feel the most in line with everything in what’s called ‘the universe’ in the presence of a black bear. That’s my happy place.”


© Paula M. Kramer, 2016 to the present.