DISC Needs In Relationships
High D Dominance
Gets things done
Under stress I will get angry quickly and dictate action or assert my power.
My stress relief is physical activity.
Opening Doors
We can have a good relationship if you…
…match my fast and decisive pace.
…answer my questions with high points.
…give me results.
…put me in charge.
…show how anything affects my success.
…explain what.
…help me maintain my success.
…support my goals.
Closing Doors
We will have a poor relationship if you…
…answer my questions with details that slow me down.
…are indirect instead of getting to the point.
…touch me before I invite touch.
…give me your opinions instead of my options.
Slamming Doors
We will have little change of any relationship if you…
…threaten my control.
…frustrate me with indecision.
…offend me with inefficiency.
High I Influence
Connects with people
Under stress I can attack verbally or become sarcastic.
My stress relief is social activity.
Opening Doors
We can have a good relationship if you…
…match my fast and spontaneous pace.
…connect me with people I admire.
…give me approval.
…recognize my influence.
…show how anything affects my prestige.
…explain who.
…help me maintain my dignity.
…support my ideas.
Closing Doors
We will have a poor relationship if you…
…answer my questions with details that bore me.
…stop me from talking or talk down to me.
…push me to do anything.
…fail to recognize what my ideas achieve.
Slamming Doors
We will have little change of any relationship if you…
…threaten my dignity.
…frustrate me with boredom.
…offend me with disapproval.
High S Steadiness
Connects with people
Under stress I will submit or give in.
My stress relief is quiet activity.
Opening Doors
We can have a good relationship if you…
…match my slow and steady pace.
…protect my essential relationships.
…give me attention.
…appreciate my loyalty.
…show how anything affects my essential relationships.
…explain how.
…help me maintain my routines.
…support my feelings.
Closing Doors
We will have a poor relationship if you…
…answer my questions with high points that frustrate me.
…assume I agree with you because I listen to you.
…go too fast or push me.
…criticize anyone who is important to me.
Slamming Doors
We will have little change of any relationship if you…
…threaten my loyalty.
…frustrate me with insensitivity.
…offend me with impatience.
High C Conscientiousness
Gets things done
Under stress I will avoid people or withdraw from the situation.
My stress relief is alone activity.
Opening Doors
We can have a good relationship if you…
…match my slow and methodical pace.
…follow my procedures.
…give me details.
…respect my work.
…show how anything affects my logical explanations.
…explain why.
…help me maintain my credibility.
…support my thoughts.
Closing Doors
We will have a poor relationship if you…
…answer my questions with high points that leave out information.
…are loud and emotional and get personal.
…touch me before I invite touch.
…make fun of my preparations.
Slamming Doors
We will have little change of any relationship if you…
…threaten my work.
…frustrate me with surprises.
…offend me with impulsiveness.
© Paula M. Kramer, 2020 to the present.
All rights reserved.
Updated March 20, 2025.