Belief Spranger Guiding Value Verbal Clues

All clues are statements real people made in conversations, magazines, books, Internet posts, movies, television shows, radio shows, etc. Some statements are edited to make them more concise and/or more understandable as clues. Different versions of the same clue reveal the variety of ways different Belief people can express the same clue.

Belief guiding value people
are task-oriented.

“The only way to save the environment is to end capitalism.”

“Women must stay in the background in church.”

“All things work out for those who know the Lord.”

“My faith in God is the most important thing in my life.”

“If I don’t have prayer, I fall into a deep tunnel.”


“I always travel with my Bible.”

“Religion is based on myths about gods who do not exist.”

“I pray. Like, a lot.”

“I have a tattoo of Proverbs 16:3. Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.”

“The alternative to feminism is masochism.”


“Women are not equal to men; they are superior in many ways, and in most ways that will count in the future.”

“Science is my religion.”

“Domestic abuse is based on male privilege. Men cannot be victims of domestic violence.”

“There is no ambiguity, relativity or interpretation. It is a FACT, and EVERYONE knows it! Whitey is SUPERIOR in EVERYTHING!”

“I read the Bible almost every single night.”


“The Bible is my favorite book of all time.”

“I would never do something I don’t believe in.”

“I can’t rest until I’m preaching and teaching and pouring out to God’s people.”

“I’m a big recycler and I like conserving energy.”

“I will never give my guns up because it is my God-given right.”


“The theater became my religion, and I wanted to serve it.”

“I have a tattoo that says ‘Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.’ Proverbs 16:3.’”

“I talk to a pastor twice a week.”


© Paula M. Kramer, 2016 to the present.