Are you enjoying a smile today?

Success can be surprisingly easy when you satisfy needs and passions.


Are you sparking a smile today?

Love can be surprisingly powerful when you satisfy needs and passions.

Depression, Eating Disorders, & PTSD

Paula M. Kramer eased decades of depression, ended a 25 year eating disorder, and ended PTSD by satisfying her behavior style and guiding value needs.

See Essential Success.

This is NOT an overnight fix.

Paula was depressed because she didn’t not know how to cope with split-into-pieces memories of her mother smothering her. Her depression started in childhood. She started easing her depression in 1990 with stress relieving actions that satisfied her Secondary High behavior style.

Paula’s depression in ended in 1992 after she woke up from yet another nightmare and said to herself:

“Mom did try to kill me.”

Paula’s eating disorder faded over 9 years of taking actions that satisfied one High behavior style need and both First and Second guiding value passions, ending in 1991.

Her PTSD faded over 8 years of satisfying one Situational value passion .


Satisfying Relationships

Paula also sparks smiles of delight for other people by satisfying their behavior style needs and guiding value passions. Paula sparks their smiles of delight and their smiles spark more smiles of delight, including smiles of delight for Paula.

Difficult relationships may require months to years of efforts to satisfy needs and passions before they transform. Some difficult relationships will never transform. Words and actions to satisfy needs and passions, however, will prove you made an effort to everyone else.

See 3 Groups Of People.

See People Success.


Behavior Styles & Guiding Values

For summaries of DISC behavior style needs and Spranger guiding value passions, see these free PDF files:


Spark more personal and professional success for yourself.

DISC Behavior Needs

Spranger Value Passions

Open doors in your relationships.
Open doors to success for other people.

DISC Needs In Relationships

Spranger Passions In Relationships


To identify your behavior style blend and your guiding value blend, see these free PDF files:

Behavior Styles Quick Look

Guiding Values Quick Look


For more detailed explanations of DISC behavior styles and Spranger guiding value passions, see these PDF files.

DISC Behavior Graph

Spranger Value Ranking


The graph and ranking files include directions for creating your DISC shorthand behavior style graph and your Spranger guiding value ranking. They will help you understand how to create moments of dignity.

Personal moments of dignity and moments of passion are the actions you take to satisfy your behavior style needs and guiding value passions.

Moments of dignity and moments of passion for your own needs and passions can spark personal and professional successes for you.

Relationship moments of dignity are the actions you take to satisfy another person’s behavior style needs and guiding value passions. Moments of dignity and moments of passion can improve your relationship. Moments of dignity and moments of passion can also give people what they need to create more success for themselves.

For examples of verbal clues to each behavior style and guiding value, go to the Verbal Clues page.

If you want more business success, go to Marketing & Customer Service page for free PDF files.

Examples of people creating both success and failure for themselves are at:


© Paula M. Kramer, 2020 to the present.
All rights reserved.
Last updated March 15, 2025.